These are for 1-3  people. They’re quiet and peaceful trips floating down one of Oregon’s many beautiful rivers in pursuit of Steelhead, Salmon or Trout.

Price is $250 for 1 person

$225 each for 2-3


Usually for the bigger rivers and bays a jet sled is a great way to get around on the water fishing for Steelhead, Salmon, Sturgeon, Shad and Crab.

Prices: Full day ( 8-10 Hours or limits)
$250 for 1 person and $225 each for 2-4* People.

Half day (4-5 hours or limits) $150 a person.
Good half day trips are for Steelhead, Salmon, Shad or Sturgeon on the Willamette or one of its tributaries.


$150 per person

2 Person minumum

All trips for children under 12 are $100.
$50 deposit reserves a date. Full refund if you cancel 72 hours before the date reserved. If I cancel the trip due to conditions we will try to reschedule, if that can’t be done I will refund your money. Conditions: It’s not unusual for rivers to be not fishable due to too much rain or lack of it. There are usually options but sometimes you just have to go another day. Due to these unforeseeable conditions, I reserve the right to cancel or change the place to fish.


  • Fishing License and tags (we can’t fish if you don’t have them).
  • Shell fish license if Crabbing.
  • Rain gear and boots.
  • Warm clothes, its best to dress in layers.
  • Food and drinks
  • Camera.
  • Cooler in your vehicle for your catch on the way home.


  • All fishing gear.
  • Fresh fishing bait.
  • Safety equipment.
  • Years of experience.